Group Field Sync

The Group Field Sync app lets you map and sync any field to the native Group field. This happens in real time, and does not require require submitting the ticket. It can even be used to create hide/show logic on forms that react in real time to group changes in the Assignee field.

Ideas for use:
  • Use this app in tandem with the Clone System Fields app (link) to make forms reactive to group changes. First, clone the Groups field, then sync the system Groups field with the cloned field. Next, use the cloned Group field on a form. Any form logic you set up will react in real time to the cloned field, and thus to the Groups field.
  • Set the Priority field based on the Group field instantly.
  • Create a custom drop-down of departments or teams, and use Group Field Sync to instantly set the relevant department or team based on the group.

How to use this app

  1. Click the app logo (image) in the left margin of the Support page to open the app.
  2. Turn on the app by clicking the Enable Group Mapping button (image).
  3. Select the field you want to map, and then choose the available values for each group.
  4. Click Save and you’re done!